As a responsible company GDF Athletic takes CSR very seriously; we strive to be leaders and innovative in creating sustainability by adding value to our community and by extension the nation of Trinidad & Tobago. Out of this innate desire to make a positive impact towards our society we founded GDF All Hands, a non-profit organization; all members have the opportunity to be a part of this initiative. Our programs support through the development of projects to partnering with and sponsoring the initiatives of other non-governmental and community-based organizations.


General Health &
Special Needs

Food & Grocery
Youth Development
Environmental Conservation
GDF Athletic Club continues to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to our sponsors, patrons and supporters in the acquisition of Kayla Phillip’s specialized wheel chair.
The joy she expressed upon receiving her brand new wheel chair was priceless.
Additional funds also facilitated the purchase of school books and supplies to students of less fortunate circumstances.
GDF is committed to making a difference in our community and this cannot be achieved without YOUR support.